Altar #1
Osho Zen Tarot, 1994. Art and text by Ma Deva Padma
Page of Fire/Wands (Playfulness); The Sun (Innocence); 10 of Water/Cups (Harmony); Page of Clouds/Swords (Mind); Knight of Rainbows/Pentacles (Slowing Down); The Tower (Thunderbolt); 4 of Rainbows/Pentacles (The Miser); The High Priestess (Inner Voice); 8 of Fire/Wands (Traveling)
Ostara Tarot, 2017. Art and text by Julie Iredale, Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard
The Fool (Iredale); The Knight of Cups (Cooke); The Ace of Wands (Iredale)
Spiritsong Tarot, 2017. Art and text by Paulina Cassidy
Two of Acorns/Wands (Falcon “Insight and Focus”); Three of Crystals/Pentacles (Honeybee “Collaboration and Productivity”); Six of Feathers/Swords (Dragonfly “Transition and Insight”)
New Earth Tarot, 2016 . Art and Text by Kate Silver
Ace of Cups
Oracle of the Unicorns, 2017. Text by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs
Nature: “Ground Yourself. Find a Sanctuary in Nature. Connect with the Elementals.”
From “Unicorn of the Forest,” by Carol Cavalaris, 2017.
The Tao Oracle, 2002. Text and art by Ma Deva Padma
#22 Grace
Autobiography of a Yogi Cards, 2007. Images and Text From “Autobiography of a Yogi,” by Paramahansa Yogananda
Jesus, Yogananda, Anandamoy Ma
White Eagle Medicine Wheel: Native American Wisdom as a Way of Life, 1997. Text by Wa-Na-Nee-Che with Eliana Harvey. Photographs of Native American Artifacts by Stephen Marwood
Hawk, Grandfather Record Keeper