Class Altars 7 and 8 with Commentary

The Different Types of Urgency Campaigns You Can Create
By Matthew Stelzner

Altar #6

Altar #7

Altar #8

Altar #7

The Heart of Faerie Oracle, 2010. Artwork by Brian Froud. Text by Wendy Froud.

#54 The Leaving; #6 The Queen of Owls; #22 The Maiden; #49 Oh No!; #13 The Speaker of Truth

The Mary-El Tarot, 2012. Text and Artwork by Marie White

5 of Swords; The Queen of Disks/Pentacles

Ostara Tarot, 2017. Art and text by Julie Iredale, Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard 

The 7 of Cups (Cooke)

The Enchanted Map Oracle, 2011. Text by Colette Baron-Reid. Artwork by Jena Dellagrottaglia Maldonado.

#27 Home

The Tao Oracle, 2002. Text and artwork by Ma Deva Padma

#48 The Well: seeking truth, wisdom, insight, intuitive knowing, return to the source, getting to the bottom of things

The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle, 2017. Art and Text by Kim Krans


Spiritsong Tarot, 2017. Art and text by Paulina Cassidy

Three of Crystals/Pentacles (Honeybee “Collaboration and Productivity”)

Osho Zen Tarot, 1994. Art and Text by Ma Deva Padma

The Chariot (Awareness)

Altar #8

The Heart of Faerie Oracle, 2010. Artwork by Brian Froud. Text by Wendy Froud.

#39 The Fixer; #1 The Queen Of The Golden Bough #61 The Temptation #59 The Song;  #56 The Challenge; #57 The Remembrance; #48 Prick Up Your Ears

The Sacred Rebels Oracle, 2014. Text by Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Autumn Sky Morrison

#26 Relax the Hold of Darkness and Be At Cause

Oracle of the Unicorns, 2017. Text by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs

#65 Sanctuary: Take time out from the world. Spend more time alone. Meditate or go on retreat.

From “Moonlight Glade,” by Dawn Holliday, 2017.

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