Altar #1

Altar #2

Altar #3

Altar #2
Osho Zen Tarot, 1994. Art and Text by Ma Deva Padma
Knight of Rainbows/Pentacles (Slowing Down); Queen of Clouds/Swords (Morality); 4 of Clouds/Swords (Postponement); King of Water/Cups (Healing); The Hanged Man (New Vision); Death (Transformation); The Wheel of Fortune (Change); The Sun (Innocence)
The Heart of Faerie Oracle, 2010. Artwork by Brian Froud. Text by Wendy Froud.
#60 The Question; #45 The Lady of Joy #16 The Messenger #19 The Lord of the Forrest;
#44 The Lady of Faith
The Mary-El Tarot, 2012. Text and Artwork by Marie White
The Page of Wands; The 4 of Wands; The Queen of Cups
The Sacred Rebels Oracle, 2014. Text by Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Autumn Sky Morrison
#28 Collaborative Dreaming
The Wild Unknown Spirit Animal Oracle, 2016. Art and Text by Kim Krans
Lion; Oyster
The Tao Oracle, 2002. Text and art by Ma Deva Padma
#33 Retreat
The Spirit Animal Oracle, 2018. Text by Colette Baron-Reid. Artwork by Jena Dellagrottaglia
Starfish Spirit: “Open to Infinite Possibility.”
Mystical Shaman Oracle, 2018. Text by Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid, and Marcela Lobos. Artwork by Jena DellaGrottaglia.
#42 The Rainmaker
Ostara Tarot, 2017. Art and text by Julie Iredale, Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard
The Fool (Iredale)
Altar #3
Osho Zen Tarot, 1994. Art and Text by Ma Deva Padma
Ace of Rainbows/Pentacles (Maturity); The Tower (Thunderbolt); 3 of Fire/Wands (Experiencing); Queen of Clouds/Swords (Morality); Last Judgement (Beyond Illusion); King of Clouds/Swords (Control); 8 of Water/Cups (Letting Go); Knight of Water/Cups (Trust); 5 of Fire/Wands (Totality)
The Sacred Rebels Oracle, 2014. Text by Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Autumn Sky Morrison
#15 Big Bold Vision
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle, 2016. Art and Text by Kim Krans
The Tao Oracle, 2002. Text and art by Ma Deva Padma
#5 Waiting
The Mary-El Tarot, 2012. Text and Artwork by Marie White
2 of Disks/Pentacles
The Heart of Faerie Oracle, 2010. Artwork by Brian Froud. Text by Wendy Froud.
#44 The Lady of Faith; #19 The Lord of the Forest
Ostara Tarot, 2017. Art and text by Julie Iredale, Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard
The Fool (Iredale)