Obviously if you are taking this class in its independent standalone version, the energies that the live Zoom meetings happened under are not currently happening. However, the energy of all of the recordings in the main quest carry the signature of that moment in time. Nearly all of the recording of these main quest videos happened during December of 2023 through May of 2024, and all under the once-in-thirteen-year Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that happened between June of '23 and June of '24.
You will hear this energy talked about in the videos below, and in several of the videos that come from the live Zoom portion of the class. While not currently happening, it is a major understanding in astrology that the creativity of a certain moment in time, especially when created under rare outer planet energies, will activate that energy for the person engaging with the creation (movies, novels, music, classes like this, etc). So when you go through the videos and practices of this class you are likely to feel the energy of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of '23-'24.
This is the ultimate alignment for breakthroughs and peak experiences, and also an energy that inherently inspires skywatching and astrological reverie. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and it inspires expansion and takes you to the mountain-top peaks. Uranus is the sky god of Greek mythology, and also the planet known to break you free from all constraints. Together they release you from the force of gravity, and help your imagination soar to your happiest possible timelines. Once you see these higher quantum possibilities, you can do the work of bringing them into full manifestation.
This planetary coaching team is also very supportive of any spiritual practice, like tarot and altar practice, meant to break you out of your ordinary left-brain problem-solving mind, and open you to intuitive right-brain flow states and decision making. These intuitive flow states naturally guide you towards better choices and happier life experiences. So, even though this conjunction is not currently happening, its energy lives on in this class and the collective consciousness field of all past and future students of the class.
It is also very helpful to meditate on your life during 2023 and 2024 and reflect on the various themes associated with the conjunction. Many more of these themes are explored in the videos below. Consider any personal breakthroughs from that 12 month period of time (perhaps especially the first half of 2024 during the recordings of this class). Can you see how you were pulled onto higher timelines? Were there happy twists of fate? Did your consciousness expand to see higher possibilities for your life, and did you start a new chapter of creativity? Did you have any major peak experiences that changed your life for the better?
In the bonus section of the class you will find my presentation on psychedelics, astrology and tarot practice, and there I discuss this Jupiter-Uranus energy quite a bit, and I also give guidance on how to have the best possible expanded state of consciousness experiences. One of the key elements to this approach to astrology and tarot practice is that expanded states can be beneficial for special astrological and tarot downloads, and so if you are someone who has integrated expanded states of consciousness into your life, this bonus workshop recording should be helpful.
You will also find a guided planetary breathwork experience in the bonus section, with an hour and 20 minutes of music intended to give you an upper world journey in consciousness. This recording was made under the peak of the Jupiter-Uranus alignment and really carries its energy. So if you feel called to this experience it is likely to take you into the Jupiter-Uranus territory of your psyche. Blessings!