The Portal of the Expanding Heart is Wide Open and Getting Larger Everyday. (Venus conjunct Jupiter 11/15 – 11/30)

We have a Venus Jupiter conjunction, one of the most beautiful astronomical events, happening from November 15th to November 30th and it peaks on the 27th and 28th. This overlaps with Thanksgiving here in the United States, and its a perfect alignment for a celebration of gratitude and generosity, and also for enjoying an extra serving (or two) of dessert. This is such a beautiful alignment to observe, so be sure to get out in the evening at sunset and look towards the western horizon to see the two brightest planets embracing in the twilight. On the 27-28 you will also see a beautiful sliver of a crescent moon joining Venus and Jupiter to form one of the most striking displays of nature that can be observed. 

Venus calls us towards love and pleasure and art and music. She moves us towards sweetness and friendship and the sensual joys of human intimacy (with self and others). She is the experience of the opening heart chakra and the force of kindness and selfless loving actions. So this Jupiter-Venus conjunction is a great time to be more generous with our kind messages and compliments towards those we love and also towards the new relationships that often form at the beginning of a new cycle of time such as this.

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