The Evening Rose Gate Mysteries Have Begun (New Video)

Tonight there is an opportunity to see one of the most beautiful astronomical events that is regularly visible: a crescent Moon conjunction with the planet Venus.These conjunctions are sometimes called Venus Gates in reference to the mythology of Inanna and her descent to, and return from, the underworld through seven gates. They have also been called Rose Gates in reference to the beauty of these conjunctions and the flowering of love they can bring into your life. 

I prefer to to think of the sequence of these conjunctions (seven in the morning sky before sunrise and seven in the evening sky after sunset) as an exploration of a rose garden: a rose garden filled with adventures and mysteries that have the power to open you to ever more love and compassion for yourself and others. This rose garden has many gates that open to new spaces filled with devotional temples and altars, each dedicated to the goddesses of love and nurturing. With each Moon-Venus conjunction we are invited to go deeper into the garden, opening our hearts more and more.

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It’s Virgo Season and I’m Doing Discounted Readings

We’ve just passed the Virgo new moon, and that means its harvest season: harvesting the wisdom and learnings of the year, harvesting the wisdom and learnings of your life. This transitional (mutable) sign represents one of the last big turning points of the year. It represents the transition from summer to fall, and a return from the summer extremes (maximum light, maximum energy, maximum freedom) to a state of balance at the equinox.

It is a moment for integration and reflection, as we return from whatever outer adventures that we explored during the summer months, to a more introspective time when we pause to take stock of our lives. How have we grown, and what shadow material manifested in these past months? What wisdom have we gained, and what are our growth edges? What are the neglected areas of our life that we need to focus on in order to find balance by the equinox on September 22nd?

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