A Conversation with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto

When the weather is good, I continue to go out in the mornings to see the very rare Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction that is currently gracing our skys. This video was recorded on Friday, but if you go out now, you will see that Mars is exactly conjunct Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius. Give it up for the sign of social justice everybody!

In the next few days, if the weather cooperates, I intend to get out a little earlier so I have longer before the dawn light to appreciate this striking alignment. We won’t be able to see Mars, Jupiter and Saturn together for another twenty years. To have Pluto there as well we will have to wait a thousand years, so I hope you will get up early to catch it. 

Here in San Francisco Jupiter and Pluto (exactly conjunct in the late degrees of the sign Capricorn) start to rise over the eastern horizon around 3:30 am, followed by Mars and Saturn closer to 4 am. With sunrise at 6:55 am, and dawn light starting by 6:30, I think 5 am to 6:15 am is the best time to enter the portal. That's unless you can get up earlier and have a clear view to the east, in which case you'll be able to give a deep bow as these elders arrive to bless our morning.

Happy skywatching beautiful people. Blessings! Love! Light!

Tarot Cards in Times of Stress

In this video I share 5 tarot cards from the Osho Zen Tarot deck (Ma Deva Padma's amazing deck, link below) drawn under our current Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction. The cards encourage us to slow down, breathe deep, exhale slowly, and pray for guidance. Two Kings come to remind us of our mastery of our own energetic resources, and our potential to overcome projections of external blame. The King of Fire and his ball of Chi comes and leads us into an amazing San Francisco sunrise. Blessings!

The deck used in this video with link to Amazon:

The Osho Zen Tarot: Ma Deva Padma

Portal of Superheroes and Supervillains: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Conjunction

Hey Everyone! In this video I share my reflections on how our current, super rare, Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the ultimate alignment for both superheroes, and supervillains. We seem to have both emerging right now in the world.

It's time to claim your super powers and contribute what you can to defeat those who would put greed before human lives.

I also share tarot cards drawn for guidance in these stressful times. Blessings!

Trinity Portal: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

It's been overcast in the mornings here in San Francisco, and I have not been able to get a clear and sustained view of the Mars-Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunction until yesterday. It was quite a sight, and so worth waking up an hour before sunrise to see. In this video I share my stream of consciousness reflections on the nature of warriors and warrioresses, and how we can each bring our super powers to help with the global crisis we find ourselves in.

I have never actually observed these three gathering together in the sky. I think I was sleeping-in 20 years ago when last they charged forward together in April of 2020.

The next time Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be in a triple conjunction is not until September of 2040, and so now's the time to get out there with your coffee and see what messages come from these super friends.

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