March Astrology Forecast: 3 Very Rare Quadruple Conjunction Super Portals!

 It looks like this will be a month of very strong and contrasting energies. On the one hand we have our second Venus Gate (Moon-Venus conjunction) in a very rare quadruple conjunction with Mars and Pluto, and things are getting hot in here! This could be the most passionate month of intimacy for you in many years, and it's time to get it on everybody! 

On the other hand, the once-in-thirteen year Jupiter-Neptune conjunction that I've discussed in recent videos is really kicking-in. Having now moved within 10 degrees, and moving within 3 degrees by the end of the month, the gifts of this healing alignment should now start being obvious. 

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2022 Has the Most Healing Alignment of the Century

I’m back with another video that goes into greater detail on the very special astrology of the coming months. In this video I review the remarkable sequence of inner planet activators of the incoming Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces conjunction. I cover the most potent dates to mark on your calendar, and I share my thoughts on these very special alignments. Everything climaxes in April when Venus joins Jupiter and Neptune, and on the 26th and 27th she is joined by the Moon, in a once-in-a-century alignment that is sure to bring much needed healing for us all.

Its time for intimacy with the morning sky everybody! So set those alarms and get out to the eastern horizon before sunrise to see the beauty that will be on display these next four months.

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Astrology 2022: The Year of Healing Waters

Hey everyone: I hope you are all doing great and living joyfully! 

I’ve been studying the star maps, and it looks to me like this year has the most healing astrology alignment of the 21st century. That's a big statement, I know, but isn't that exactly what the angels would bring right about now? 

I’m referring to a particular alignment in April when there is a very exact quadruple conjunction of the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune all aligning in the watery sign Pisces. This four planet alignment is the tightest, all within 4 degrees, on April 27th. For the rest of this century these four planets do not align any closer than 10 degrees, and so I feel this year’s alignment represents a very rare nodal point of opportunity for both the world and for each of us individually. 

While this is an alignment that with the Moon only lasts a couple of days, and with Venus a couple of weeks, at the heart of this alignment is a once-in-thirteen-year conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune that is operative all year until next February. I feel that when it is joined by Venus and the Moon in April we will be receiving the yummiest Jupiter-Neptune waves of energy, and we will be able to then ride those yummy waves for the rest of the year, and perhaps for the rest of our lives.

In this new video I share exactly what I’m talking about.

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